Merge fields with signature templates

Merge Fields give document senders the ability to pre-fill each copy of a template with custom text before the document is sent.

This article outlines the basic steps to merge fields when creating or editing a template. To create a merge field, use the Document Overlay tools when preparing a document.

  1. From the Citrix RightSignature dashboard, select Templates in the left menu bar, then select Create Template.

  2. Select Prepare Document.

  3. Select Next: Place Fields to place a Text Field, Date Field or Checkbox to the desired location in the document.

  4. Once you place the field on the document, double-click on the object box.

  5. Once prompted to name the merge field, type in a name for Text Field 1. This is the name of the field that the sender will be prompted to fill each time a copy of the Template is sent.

    Review before sending.

    When preparing a copy of the Template to send, the sender can enter custom information into each Merge Field.


    Once the document is sent, the merge data is locked and cannot be edited by other parties.

Merge fields with signature templates

In this article